The On Location Education Blog

7 Helpful Apps for Young Actors
7 Helpful Apps for Young Actors
Actors of every age always need to hone their craft and work on their skills, no matter who they are and how long they’ve been in the business. There are many different ways for actors to continue to learn, some are more expensive and time-consuming than others. For younger actors embroiled in the digital age, apps can present a unique learning opportunity.
How to Market Yourself as a Young Actor
How to Market Yourself as a Young Actor
Actors of all types and ages find work in a variety of ways. But while your skills form the foundation of your career, there is also another aspect that is vital for success: Marketing and networking. How you represent yourself to the world, along with how other professionals represent you, are key components to crafting a fruitful career in the long run.
3 Ways to Strengthen Acting Talents Without Practice or Training
3 Ways to Strengthen Acting Talents Without Practice or Training
Actors of all ages grow in their craft through professional training, steady rehearsals, and practice, but learning and growing can also take place in a more casual way. By exposing themselves to new ideas and habits, young performers can supplement their professional training by developing skills that are not typically learned through traditional training. Acting incorporates many different abilities, and these talents can be developed through countless other avenues, which are often encountered through hobbies and activities in daily life.
Here are three simple activities that young performers can inject into their routines to become better actors that do not involve professional training.
3 Time Management Tips for Child Actors
3 Time Management Tips for Child Actors
A young actor or actress has a lot on their plate. From filming to auditions to acting lessons and more, throwing schoolwork into the mix may seem nearly insurmountable. But that doesn’t have to be the case. Juggling so many obligations is taxing on any actor, but for child actors who still have to make time for their schooling, it may seem like there aren’t enough hours in the day. Combining work with studying without proper time management skills can harm an actor’s career and their education. This stress is completely unnecessary and can be conquered with some reflection and careful planning.
Math Tricks: Simple Strategies Teachers Don’t Want You to Know, Part 2
If you have MUCH better things to do in your life than figure out mathematical calculations, then you’ll be glad that you stumbled upon this article. We’re going to show you how you can save so much time (well, maybe a few seconds) by using simple, fun math shortcuts.
In an earlier post, we offered techniques to simplify multiplying by 5 and 25. In this post, we will explore a couple of amazing tricks with other numbers that will come in handy.
Math Tricks: Simple Strategies Teachers Don’t Want You to Know, Part 1
Now that school is back in session, it’s time to get serious about your favorite subject: Mathematics!
In the old days – before calculators and computers – people used an archaic tool to calculate mathematical equations. It was called the “brain.” And while it’s rumored that humans still possess this rusty relic, it may need some serious dusting off if they want to take it out for a spin.