Where We Work
On Location Education is proud to offer services throughout the United States and Canada as well as around the globe. Additionally, we are incorporated in many locations, affording production companies the ability to save money through various tax incentives. We also offer Child Work Permit and Production Work Permit Services throughout the United States and Canada.
From California Certified Studio Teachers to Georgia Child Labor Coordinators to UK Certified Tutors and Chaperones, On Location Education is able to provide services to productions anywhere and everywhere.
Where we’re incorporated:
New York
Rhode Island
New Jersey
British Columbia, Canada
The United Kingdom
Recent projects have occurred in the following areas:
All 50 US States and Puerto Rico
Many Canadian Provinces and Territories
The United Kingdom and Ireland
South America
Australia and Oceania
South Africa
Since 1982, On Location Education has worked on thousands of major film, television, and theatre projects!
Learn More about OLE:
For a list of select projects for which On Location Education has provided services, click here.
For more information on the services we offer in the United States and internationally, click here.
Ready to get started with On Location Education? Contact us.