Teacher Information
On Location Education (OLE) is a national educational consulting company that provides administrative support and coordination to help meet the educational needs for on-set/on-stage television, film, and performing arts productions using child performers. Although the majority of entertainment industry projects take place in California and New York, we also consult on projects all over the United States and around the world. We are always happy to receive applications from interested, dynamic teachers from any part of the country.
Although we cater to the entertainment industry, and to many private students who are professional performers, the teaching services requested are mainly for students in the K-12 academic subjects. We do, on rare occasions, have requests for teachers of fine arts or other non-academic subjects, but this is the exception rather than the rule.
The ideal on-set teacher candidate is skilled in teaching one or more academic subjects (i.e., math, biology, humanities, elementary education, etc.) and has experience working with students one-on-one or in small groups. Multi-subject capability is a great advantage, as is the ability to teach a foreign language.
In addition to teaching capabilities, an on-set teacher or tutor must possess flexibility, both of schedule and personality. Teaching on-set, although fun and interesting, can be chaotic — both in terms of schedule and of the personalities involved. An on-set teacher or tutor needs to be prepared to rise to almost any occasion to ensure that learning is taking place in the on-set classroom.
Applicants usually hold certification in at least one K-12 subject area, since acting union regulations and state laws require certification for on-set teachers. That said, we are still interested in hearing from qualified, experienced teachers who may not be certified — as we also manage projects for private clients that do not involve working on-set.
Teachers who work with OLE are independent contractors. We do not hire permanent staff; instead, we maintain a national database of qualified teachers whom we contact when appropriate projects arise. Because all teachers working with OLE maintain an independent contractor status, they always have the option of declining projects that aren’t compatible with their schedules or interests.
Although local projects can occasionally take place after school hours or on weekends, this is rare. The majority of our entertainment industry projects require daytime availability (that is, during regular school hours) on weekdays during the school year. Projects tend to be significantly fewer during the summer months. These two factors may make it difficult for teachers holding full-time positions to avail themselves to On Location Education “on the side.”
On-set teaching assignments come in two varieties: full-day and hourly. For a day project, a teacher is required to be on-set for a full day (generally 9 hours, including meal break), and is paid a flat day rate. For an hourly project, a teacher is on-set only for specific “blocked” hours — usually 3 or less. In this case, the teacher’s remuneration is based on an hourly rate. Remuneration varies, and is quoted to the teacher when a call comes in with the terms of the project.
On Location Education suggests teachers for national theatrical tours, which usually go out in the autumn of each year and can travel throughout the US and Canada. From time to time, teachers are also required on theatrical tours in Europe and Asia. Although some tours can be short-term, most require the ability (and willingness) to travel for up to nine months at a time. Touring teachers are also required by law to be certified in one of the fifty states.
OLE also identifies private teachers to accompany students whose professional obligations (or those of their parents) require them to travel for prolonged periods of time. Like the theatrical tours, these projects can be long- or short-term, but most require the ability to commit to several months at a time away from home.
California state law requires that teachers who work on entertainment industry sets (film, theatre, TV, etc.) hold a special California Studio Teacher Certification. However, OLE also places non-studio certified teachers for private and supplementary schooling projects—so we are still interested in hearing from qualified teachers based in California, even if they do not hold a studio teacher credential.
Briefly, a California Studio Teacher functions as both a teacher and a child welfare worker for child performers on entertainment industry sets. A studio teacher must hold dual teaching certification in California — a California Multiple Subject credential (elementary school) and a Single Subject credential (high school). In addition, the studio teacher must hold a Studio Teacher Credential issued by the California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement. This credential denotes a thorough knowledge of California child labor laws, including the rules governing the number of hours child actors can be on set and how that time can be spent, as the Studio Teacher works as an advocate for the minors on behalf of the Calfornia DLSE. For more information on obtaining a CA Studio Teacher credential, please click here.
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